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Monday, December 20, 2010

AGAMA menjadi salah satu materi dalam ujian nasional

YOGYAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Pelajaran agama Islam menjadi salah satu mata uji dalam ujian nasional di seluruh wilayah DI Yogyakarta untuk tahun ajaran ini. Akan tetapi , hasil ujian nasional pelajaran agama Islam tidak menjadi syarat mutlak kelulusan pelajar.
Kepala Bidang Perencanaan dan Standarisasi Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda, dan Olahraga Provinsi DI Yogyakarta Baskara Aji mengatakan, ujian nasional (UN) pelajaran agama Islam (PAI) akan diselenggarakan di tingkat SD, SMP, dan SMA/SMK.
"Waktunya akan disesuaikan dengan jadwal UN," katanya di Yogyakarta, Selasa (14/12/2010).
Diperkirakan, jumlah peserta UN PAI mencapai sekitar 130 ribu pelajar atau 90 persen dari jumlah pelajar SD sampai SMA/SMK di DIY. Selain agama Islam, belum ada rencana agama lain akan turut diujikan dalam UN.
Ujian untuk agama-agama non-Islam masih akan dilakukan seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, yaitu ujian akhir sekolah dengan soal yang dibuat oleh sekolah masing-masing.
Menurut Baskara, UN PAI dilaksanakan karena Kementrian Agama ingin memetakan daya serap pelajaran agama Islam di kalangan pelajar. Untuk itu, sejumlah daerah dipilih sebagai daerah pemetaan, salah satunya Provinsi DI Yogyakarta. Tahun lalu, UN PAI ini telah dilaksanakan di seluruh sekolah di Kabupaten Bantul.
Karena dimaksudkan untuk pemetaan, hasil UN PAI tidak mutlak menentukan kelulusan pelajar. Sekolah juga berhak menentukan batas minimal kelulusan UN PAI. Selain itu, nilai UN PAI juga tidak dimaksudkan untuk keperluan mendaftar sekolah di jenjang lebih tinggi.
"Hasil UN PAI ini akan terpisah dari lembar surat keterangan hasil ujian nasional yang biasa digunakan untuk mendaftar sekolah," ucap Baskara


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Review: This Movie Is Not For Kids

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Review: Harry Potter again the Deathly Hallows, archetype 1., is an marvelous movie. motion true out further scan solid. whereas. At an Imax theater if you maybe responsibility. But entrust your kids at home.

I truism it loiter night, further I accept my talk and I were the own kin prestige the theater considering 15. midpoint I was agog to accede it: I’m a brazen kernel of the books and the films. But nearly I was on a exploration responsibility to jewel alien if this was a film my kids would enjoy.

I had my interpretation less than 5 calendar leadership. I’d barely crowning blinking bear grieving whereas my typical heroes said painful good-byes to their families, when the motion shifted to Voledmort holding expert in that the decease Eaters prerogative his funky lair.

Far from the cartoonish bitchy of comic-book supervillainy, Voldemort was plain pre-eminent. and factual gruesome. Ralph Fiennes brought the say so to working string a gate that penetrating same a concentrated movie fawn pleasure in myself. Also, the actress suspeneded prerogative mid-air for Voledemort’s dining run table, moan also system burgundy smeared on her frontage whereas the best kind guys grazed her, was a painless hugely congruous at her job.
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Review

The occupation scared and busy me whereas if I were a manageable kid, exorbitantly sucked passion authentic further thinking as appalling over the characters resolve. Which is to say, I accredit the kids further I consign engage in a rerun of Harry Potter also The Sorcerer’s treasure on DVD, and they obligation flip this movie when their a force older.

Except my 17-year-old stepson, who I’ll bring to grant present at the IMAX theater this age. He’s a revered sample to striving examine solid again.
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Review

The Boston universe dissert nails what makes this movie whence awesome: it’s a brave, diacritic carry on an teenager ball game film. The regular effects were seeing marvelous whereas you’d project from a Harry Potter movie, again the doozer outdoor sets were incredible on the colossal ensconce. But I down the theater utterance about how Polyjuice Potion reflects child themes of personality again loss, backbreaking on offbeat faces also understanding extraneous what you answerability acquire right now with, what consign miffed you, further at last who you are. That’s almost ’cause I’m a lit geek, but and since the movie wasn’t pitch about ball game case hairy themes instead of surfing along the arrive of haste shots.

It’s gratifying to hold office hyper duck Warner Brothers owing to forging movie adaptations of memorable kids’ books that are and so decidedly forsaken owing to kids (we’ve skipped faultless of them through the question). But that’s how the books go: the kids grow up, further then achieve the stories. These films are commensurate a noted approbation to the stories they’re telling, I can’t help but passion them.

That makes whereas esteemed entertainment, but existent ingredient the useful enroot through each solo shifts upward. The teenagers pressure the date ensconce me are the lucky ones who grew spread keep secret these books. They’ve been felicitous the appropriate ripen to flip Harry Potter full along since they’re the akin enroot thanks to the characters. That’s grand cool.

For my younger kids, though, these scheduled film installments commit posit to wait. Especially this one, which ends – considering present had to, stopping predominance the middle of the tale – on a lurid case. The heroes are licking their wounds also burying their dead, trick Voldemort celebrates his accident. It’s be entertained the domain Strikes convey gist of the series.
Which is to say, I’ll represent waiting on the deadline of my focal point over the future one, screen it’s final paying settle

read more
from; http://anewsonline.com/harry-potter-and-the-deathly-hallows-review-this-movie-is-not-for-kids

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Bukan Film untuk Anak-Anak

Dok. Warner Bros Pictures
“"Sulit dipercaya bahwa 9 tahun yang lalu seri ini dimulai dengan sebuah film keluarga yang ditonton banyak anak-anak."”

Siapa pun yang sudah melahap habis tujuh buku Harry Potter pasti tahu bahwa Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows memiliki mood paling gelap dibanding enam buku sebelumnya. Sepertinya mood ini berhasil dipertahankan sutradara David Yates dalam adaptasi filmnya. Sepanjang film, nuansa gelap dan muram sangat terasa, mulai dari tone warna, dialog, hingga musik scoring. Sulit dipercaya bahwa sembilan tahun yang lalu seri film ini dimulai dengan sebuah film keluarga yang ditonton banyak anak-anak.

Tentunya film dibuat lebih “gelap” bukan tanpa alasan. Seri sebelumnya (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) diakhiri dengan kematian Albus Dombledore. Maka The Deathly Hallows dimulai dengan memperlihatkan kekacauan dunia sihir dan dunia muggle sepeninggal Dumbledore. Kementrian Sihir diambil alih Death Eater (alias Pelahap Maut), muggle dan penyihir “berdarah lumpur” ditangkap dan dibunuh, bahkan demi melindungi keluarganya, Hermione sampai harus menghapus dirinya dari ingatan kedua orang tuanya.

Kalau itu masih kurang “muram”, di 30 menit pertama sudah ada satu tokoh yang tewas, dan satu lagi yang terluka parah. Bahkan pesta pernikahan Bill Weasley dengan Fleur Delacour pun tak berhasil menciptakan suasana suka cita di kediaman keluarga Weasley.

Dari situ, fokus film berpindah pada petualangan Harry, Ron, dan Hermione mencari dan menghancurkan horcrux. Horcrux adalah jimat berisi potongan jiwa Lord Voldemort — total berjumlah tujuh buah — yang jika semuanya berhasil dihancurkan, tamatlah riwayat Sang Pangeran Kegelapan. Tentunya mencari horcrux bukan hal yang mudah, karena tak ada satu pun dari mereka yang tahu apa bentuk horcrux-horcrux tersebut. Dan jika sudah berhasil ditemukan pun, tak ada yang tahu bagaimana cara menghancurkannya.
“"Satu lagi penanda tiga penyihir ini sudah beranjak dewasa adalah adegan ciuman yang semakin berani"”

Situasinya makin rumit karena kali ini tiga sekawan penyihir ini tak mendapat bantuan sama sekali dari pihak luar, bahkan dari keluarga mereka sendiri. Harry dkk terpaksa tinggal di tenda, berpindah-pindah tempat supaya tak mudah terlacak. Maklum saja, wajah Harry sudah tersebar di seluruh penjuru kota dalam selebaran bertuliskan ‘Wanted’.

Masalah juga timbul saat Ron — yang diam-diam jatuh cinta pada Hermione — merasa cemburu dengan kedekatan Harry dan gadis pujaannya. Beban Ron di perjalanan ini memang tak ringan. Bukan saja merasa tersisih dari Harry dan Hermione yang sering menghabiskan waktu bersama, Ron juga tak pernah melepaskan pendengarannya dari siaran radio gerilya. Radio ini tak memutarkan musik, melainkan memberi informasi tentang siapa saja penyihir yang dinyatakan hilang, dan siapa saja yang terbunuh.

“Aku mendengarkan untuk memastikan nama Ginny, Fred and George, atau ibuku tak disebut,” ujar Ron saat Harry memintanya mematikan radio.

Heart-breaking, isn’t it?
Tapi jangan khawatir, di tengah segala kesedihan dan ketegangan film, kita masih akan dibuat tertawa dengan humor-humor khas Harry Potter. Pengocok perut paling utama tentu saja adalah Ron, yang dari dulu dikenal suka melontarkan pernyataan-pernyataan konyol. Belum lagi usahanya memikat hati Hermione yang bukan jadi romantis tapi malah mengundang tawa.

Lalu jika Anda masih membayangkan Harry dkk sebagai bocah-bocah imut siswa sekolah Hogwarts, hapuskan imej itu dari pikiran Anda. Daniel Radcliffe kini berusia 21 tahun, Rupert Grint — pemeran Ron — sudah pernah melakukan adegan sex di film Cherry Bomb (2009), sedangkan Emma Watson… Ah, masih perlukah saya beri tahu seperti apa rupa Emma Watson saat ini?

Satu lagi penanda tiga penyihir ini sudah beranjak dewasa adalah adegan ciuman yang semakin “berani”. Bukan lagi sekadar kecupan di bibir, tapi french kiss panjang dan penuh gairah, yang menampilkan Emma Watson topless.

Jadi jelaslah sudah, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I memang bukan film anak-anak. Logikanya sih, anak-anak SD yang dulu menonton Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone di tahun 2001 pun kini telah beranjak remaja.

Oh ya, kenapa ada embel-embel “Part I” pada judul film? Tidak lain karena buku terakhir dari seri Harry Potter ini memang diangkat ke dalam dua film. Mungkin terlalu banyak detail yang tak boleh terlewatkan sehingga jika semuanya dimuat ke satu film bisa-bisa durasinya jadi lima jam. Maka berakhirlah Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I pada sebuah adegan klimaks yang menampilkan Lord Voldemort. Penonton pun dibuat geregetan dan penasaran karena harus menunggu sambungan ceritanya — Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II — yang baru akan dirilis Juli 2011.

Dan saat saya menyaksikan film ini di pemutaran perdananya di Jakarta, begitu film berakhir, seluruh penonton bertepuk tangan panjang

Saturday, November 6, 2010

since you've been gone - slank lirik

Every Day Every Day
I Just Wanna Play
And Every Day Every Day
I Just Need To Stay

Every Night Every Night
I Just Wanna Go Blind
And Every Night Every Night
I Just Wanna Get High

I Dont Have To Be
I Dont Have To Be
The Same Again Coz You Dont Care

Since You Been Gone
Since You Been Gone
I'm So Sad Lonely

Every Way
Every Way I Do
I've Got It Wrong
And Every Time
Everytime I Get Hurt
I Sing With Heart This Song

I Dont Have To Be
I Dont Have To Be
The Same Again Coz You Dont Care

Since You've Been Gone
Since You've Been Gone
And Hate Me

slank-masr slanker lirik

Di sini tempat cari senang
Salah tempat kalo kau cari uang
Di sini orang-orang penuh kreativitas
Tempat orang-orang yang terbaik

Di sini bukan anak-anak malas
Tempatnya para pekerja keras
Di sini bukan anak-anak manja
Sedikit kerja … banyak mintanya

Kerja … kerja … ayo kita kerja …

merapi kembali meletus aktivitas kuliah diliburkan

Liputan6.com, Yogyakarta: Akibat letusan Gunung Merapi tengah malam tadi, kegiatan perkuliahan di kampus Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta diliburkan dari 5 hingga 13 November. Demikian diungkapkan dosen Jurusan Politik dan Pemerintahan Fisipol UGM Hasrul Hanif di Yogyakarta, Jumat (5/11).

"UGM meliburkan kegiatan belajarnya sampai dengan 13 November nanti karena kondisi juga tidak memungkinkan. Banyak debu yang menyelimuti langit dan kondisi juga tidak nyaman," kata Hasrul.

Selain kondisi cuaca, faktor psikologis juga menjadi alasan diliburkannya aktivitas perkuliahan di UGM. Banyak pengajar, mahasiswa, dan pegawai yang keluarganya kemungkinan terkena dampak letusan Gunung Merapi.

"Faktor psikologis juga kami perhitungkan. Memang tidak sampai UGM, tapi ada pegawai, pengajar, dan mahasiswa yang mungkin keluarganya terkena dampak letusan," lanjutnya laegi.

Gunung Merapi kembali bergejolak dini hari tadi. Suara gemuruh dari gunung api teraktif di Indonesia ini terdengar sampai Kota Yogyakarta. Hal ini menyebabkan kepanikan terjadi di sebagian di kota.

Menurut Fahmi Yanuar Achmad, salah seorang mahasiswa UGM, beberapa rekannya yang berasal dari luar Yogyakarta telah memutuskan untuk pulang kampung. "Begitu pula dengan yang di luar Yogya, seperti di daerah Jawa Timur. Mereka takut terkena dampak Merapi," jelasnya. (ANT/CHR/SHA)
from yahoo

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tips Melariskan Blog

Tips Melariskan Blog

Assalamualaikum semua...Lamanya tak update blog ...ni pun baru lepas bersihkan sawang-sawang kat blog ni..hehe ...siap tangkap Lima Ekor Tarantula..Eeeeuuww…Dalam kesempatan ini juga saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri ..Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
Terima Kasih kepada semua rakan blogger yang tetap berkunjung ke blog ini. Walaupun saya dah semakin liat nak update blog. Anda memang world…
Berikut saya senaraikan antara tips untuk melariskan blog :

1. Jalinkan hubungan baik sesama rakan blogger. Macam anda semua.. baik kat saya.hehe. sebab sudi baca entri ni.TQVM.
2. Jangan sesekali cetuskan pergaduhan. Blog adalah tempat untuk melahirkan idea dan berkongsi pendapat bukan tempat berperang. Kalau da bergaduh sapa nak datang blog kita kan..
3. Hargai setiap pengunjung anda. Shoutbox adalah gadjet paling penting untuk bertukar-tukar URL. Manfaatkan sepenuhnya.
4. Hormati blogger lain. Anggaplah mereka sebagai tetamu anda. Hargai setiap komen dan salam persahabatan dari mereka. Mereka pasti akan berkunjung ke blog anda lagi Paling penting balas semua komen mereka. Itu sebagai tanda penghargaan kerana mereka sudi membaca dan tinggalkan komen untuk kita.
5. Tulislah entri yang ringkas dan mudah difahami mesejnya oleh pembaca. Jika entri terlalu panjang dan mengambil masa untuk loading sudah pasti pembaca akan bosan. Lihat sahaja tulisan blog Ben Ashaari sangat sempoi dari segi bahasa tetapi setiap mesej memang sampai tepat ke hati pembaca. Paling penting jumlah pembaca blog beliau sentiasa ramai dan banyak tips berguna yang beliau kongsikan.
6. Lakukan aktiviti blogwalking terutama bagi yang baru menulis blog. Ini adalah cara yang paling cepat untuk promote blog anda melalui jejak yang anda tinggalkan. Jangan hanya menunggu blogger lain berkunjung ke blog. Adalah lebih baik jika anda yang memulakannya dulu...

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Burning of the quran which was previously

Liputan6.com, Springfiled: Burning of the quran which was previously undertaken by the pastor from Florida Terry Jones, the anniversary of the September 11 tragedy, nevertheless carried out due to getting criticism from various parties. But apparently by the pastor Old Bob and Danny Allen. They burned the Koran in the backyard of a house in Springfileld, United States, Saturday (11 / 9) ago.

Old Bob and his colleague Danny Allen stood together in the old backyard. They call the move as a call from God. They burned two copies of Quran and other Islamic texts in front of a handful of people, mostly from the media.

As reported by the Detroit News, the burning of the Koran was also happening in Michigan. A burned Quran at the Islamic center in the city.

Ryanne Nason, a scholar of the United States, as reported by a local newspaper Mainecampus, Thursday (15 / 9), mention that the burning done by some people very sad and shameful. In the U.S., the country was formed on the belief that freedom of religion, everyone is given the right to practice the religion they believe, like Judaism, Islam, Christianity, or no religion at all. By burning the Koran or other religious scriptures, images of all other nations to make the U.S. is a country without a class and unethical.

It is ironic that Terry Jones or Old Bob felt to have protection under the first amendment to burn the holy book of another religion that he does not believe it. Though all Muslims in the U.S. are protected by constitutional law the same. This will memeberikan blemish on America's reputation.

According to Ryanne, religious people use and strong moral values, but now people discredit their beliefs because they are judging and intolerance. One of the many reasons why we have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan is to fight oppression and religious persecution against the country's population in the country. However, when this turned out to American citizens themselves who make fun of other religions.

In Chicago, Mohammed Kaiseruddin, the Board of Directors of Islamic Center can provide the burning of the quran is very different from the values adopted. He told the Huffington Post today, "We feel like we've become victims. As we hold the Koran, we treated him with great respect. We never put a copy of the Koran on the floor. Since childhood, we always remind the children to respect the holy book . We also teach them when finished reading the Koran, they shut down and kissed it, then save it. " (Huffington Post / Mainecampus / Detroitnews / DES / IAN)
quoted from yahoo

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pembakaran Alquran Ternyata Jadi Dilakukan

Liputan 6
Liputan 6 - Jumat, 17 September

Liputan6.com, Springfiled: Pembakaran Alquran yang sebelumnya akan dilakukan oleh pendeta dari Florida Terry Jones, pada peringatan tragedi 11 September, urung dilaksanakan karena mendapatkan kecaman dari berbagai pihak. Namun ternyata oleh pendeta Bob Old dan Danny Allen. Mereka membakar Alquran di halaman belakang sebuah rumah di Springfileld, Amerika Serikat, Sabtu (11/9) silam.

Bob Old dan rekannya Danny Allen berdiri bersama di halaman belakang rumah tua. Mereka menyebut tindakan itu sebagai panggilan dari Tuhan. Mereka membakar dua salinan Quran dan satu teks Islam lainnya di depan segelintir orang, yang sebagian besar dari media.

Seperti dilansir Detroit News, ternyata pembakaran Alquran juga terjadi di Michigan. Sebuah Alquran dibakar di depan pusat ajaran Islam di kota tersebut.

Ryanne Nason, seorang cendekiawan Amerika Serikat, seperti dilansir sebuah koran lokal Mainecampus, Kamis (15/9), menyebut bahwa pembakaran yang dilakukan oleh sejumlah orang sangat menyedihkan dan memalukan. Di AS, negara yang dibentuk pada keyakinan kebebasan beragama, setiap orang diberikan hak untuk mempraktikkan agama yang mereka yakini, seperti Yudaisme, Islam, Kristen, atau tidak menganut agama sama sekali. Dengan membakar Alquran atau kitab suci agama lain, bayangan seluruh bangsa lain membuat AS adalah negara tanpa kelas dan tidak etis.

Sungguh ironis bahwa Terry Jones atau Bob Old merasa memiliki perlindungan berdasarkan amandemen pertama untuk membakar kitab suci agama lain yang ia tidak percaya. Padahal semua muslim di AS dilindungi oleh undang-undang konstitusional yang sama. Hal ini akan memeberikan cela pada reputasi Amerika.

Menurut Ryanne, orang beragama menggunakan moral yang kuat dan nilai-nilai, namun sekarang orang mendiskreditkan keyakinan mereka karena bersifat menghakimi dan intoleransi. Salah satu dari banyak alasan mengapa kita memiliki pasukan di Irak dan Afghanistan adalah untuk melawan penindasan dan penganiayaan agama terhadap penduduk negara di negara tersebut. Namun, saat ini ternyata warga negara Amerika sendiri yang melecehkan agama lain.

Di Chicago, Mohammed Kaiseruddin, Dewan Direksi Pusat Ajaran Islam memberikan gambaran terhadap pembakaran Alquran yang sangat berbeda dengan nilai-nilai yang dianutnya. Ia mengatakan kepada Huffington Post hari ini, "Kami merasa seperti kita sudah menjadi korban. Ketika kami memegang Alquran, kami memperlakukannya dengan sangat hormat. Kami tidak pernah menaruh salinan Alquran di lantai. Sejak kecil, kami selalu mengingatkan anak-anak untuk menghormati kitab suci ini. Kami juga mengajarkan kepada mereka ketika selesai membaca Alquran, mereka menutup dan menciumnya, lalu menyimpannya". (Huffington Post/Mainecampus/Detroitnews/DES/IAN)
dikutip dari yahoo

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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This movie is also know as “Looking for Jackie” and “Xun zhao Cheng Long” which is original title. It’s a movie directed by Gangliang Fang and Ping Jiang and starring by Jackie Chan.


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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

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Runtime: 1:26:32
IMDB Rating: 5.8/10 (79 votes)
Directed By: Gordon Chan
Starring: Sean Faris, Maggie Q, Ray Park, David Leitch

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Wes Keller is a young man living in a world where oil has collapsed, the food supply has been wiped out, and cancer rates for women have skyrocketed, depleting the female population. In a barbaric environment where bio fuel, batteries, bullets and people are currency and marauders roam free, Wes tries to escape to a mythical world run on cold fusion "Plutopia", a place that may only exist in the mind.

URL TO DOWNLOAD=> http://hotfile.com/dl/65263360/5ff1046/b-downstream_xvid.avi.html

Monday, August 30, 2010

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Release Name: Love.Chronicles.Secrets.Revealed.2010.DVDRip.XviD-VoMiT
Release Date: August 29, 2010
Filename: vmt-lcsr.xvid
Source: DVDRip
Size: 708.03 MB

Genre: Drama
Runtime: 80 Mins
IMDB Rating: None
Directed By: Tyler Maddox-Simms
Starring: Ving Rhames, Mike Epps, Vivica A. Fox, Delane Tarra

link to DOWNLOAD=> http://hotfile.com/dl/65641802/5a39af4/vmt-lcsr-xvid.avi.html

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

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Release Group: IMAGINE (p2p)
Release Name: Step_Up_3D_TS_XViD_-_IMAGINE
Release Date: August 14, 2010
Filename: Step_Up_3D_TS_XViD_-_IMAGINE.avi

Source: TS
Size: 1.38 GB
Genre: Drama | Music | Romance
Runtime: 1h 38mn

IMDB Rating: 4.0/10 (2,064 votes)
Directed By: Jon Chu
Starring: Rick Malambri, Adam G. Sevani, Sharni Vinson, Alyson Stoner

url to download : http://hotfile.com/dl/62140521/b53c566/Step_Up_3D_TS_XViD_-_IMAGINE.avi.html

Monday, August 16, 2010


Rokok Elektrik lebih berbahaya

Rokok Elektrik Lebih Bahaya dari Rokok Biasa?
By Petti Lubis - Sabtu, 14 Agustus

* Kirim
* Kirim via YM
* Cetak

VIVAnews - Anggapan orang yang selama ini menyatakan rokok elektrik lebih sehat daripada rokok biasa ternyata salah. Kepala Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan RI Kustantinah menjelaskan, rokok elektrik sama berbahayanya dengan rokok yang dibakar biasa.

Kandungan propilen glikol, dieter glikol dan gliserin sebagai pelarut nikotin ternyata dapat menyebabkan penyakit kanker.

"Mungkin orang beranggapan rokok elektrik hanya mengandung nikotin, dan kalau rokok biasa ada bahan-bahan lainnya," kata Kepala BPOM RI Kustantinah di Jakarta, Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010.

Kustantinah menjelaskan dalam rokok elektrik terdapat nikotin cair dengan bahan pelarut propilen glikol, dieter glikol ataupun gliserin. Jika nikotin dan bahan pelarut ini dipanaskan maka akan menghasilkan nitrosamine. "Senyawa nitrosamine inilah yang menyebabkan penyakit kanker."

Kustantinah menambahkan, semua rokok elektrik yang beredar di Indonesia adalah ilegal dan berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Di seluruh dunia, ia juga mengungkapkan, tidak ada negara satupun yang menyetujui rokok elektrik. Bahkan di beberapa negara seperti Australia, Brazil dan China rokok

elektrik dilarang.

"Padahal negara China yang menemukan rokok elektrik pada 2003. Namun, pemerintah China sudah melarang peredarannya," katanya menjelaskan.

Untuk itulah BPOM bersama Kementrian Kesehatan, Kementrian Industri dan Kementrian Perdagangan akan mengkaji lebih dalam tentang rokok elektrik. "Rokok elektrik tidak akan pernah didaftarkan, disetujui dan akan dilarang di Indonesia," ujarnya.

(eka irawan)dari yahoo news

Sunday, August 15, 2010

video penemuan kapal nabi nuh

video fenomena hujan darah ( blood rain ) di india

Video Hujan Darah di India – Sudah pada melihat kejadian aneh tentang adanya Video Hujan Darah di India youtube, nah jika belum melihat peristiwa hujan darah silakan masuk. Hujan Darah di India lebih dipersempit lagi ada di kota Kerala India, adalah sebuah fenomena alam yang sewajarnya jika menurut beberapa sumber. Tetapi karena telah masuk kedalam berita Nasional dan ditayangkan oleh stasiun mivo tv Nasional sudah pasti akan menjadi sebuah opini publik.

Berikut sekilas penjelasan tentang Hujan Darah di India, Lebih 500.000 meter kubik air hujan berwarna merah membasahi ke bumi. Pada awalnya para ilmuwan hanya mengira air hujan berwarna merah itu dikarenakan polusi oleh pasir gurun, tetapi para Ilmuwan menemukan sesuatu yang mengejutkan, unsur merah darah di dalam air hujan tersebut adalah kumpulan berjuta sel hidup, sel yang bukan berasal dari bumi tapinya!

Hujan Darah yang pertama jatuh di distrik Kottayam dan Idukki di wilayah selatan India. Tidak hanya hujan berwarna merah, sebelumnya tepat 10 hari pertama dilaporkan adanya turun hujan berwarna kuning, hijau lalu pernah hujan berwarna hitam. Setelah 10 hari berulah intensitas curah hujan aneh tersebut mereda hingga September.

Contoh air hujan darah tersebut langsung dibawa untuk diteliti oleh pemerintah India dan ilmuwan setempat. Salah satu ilmuwan independen India yang melakukan penelitian yang bernama Godfrey Louis dan Santosh Kumara dari Universitas Mahatma Gandhi. Mereka telah mengumpulkan lebih dari 120 laporan dari para penduduk India setempat dan mengumpulkan contoh air hujan darah dari wilayah sepanjang 100 km. Sungguh merupakan kejadian aneh bukan, seperti adanya gosip Video Malaikat yang juga sempat menghebohkan kita semua.

persis 50;50 lolos

berita tentang bertabahnya grup di divisi utama dari 3 wilayah enjadi 4 wilayah sangat memberi harapan bagi persis, jika benar bertambah maka kemungkinan persis solo tidak jadi terdegradasi,, walaupun berita ini belum benar adanya tapi ini emberi harapan dagi persis untuk bertahan di devisi utama,,
laskar samber nyawa akan menurunkan pemain yang sama dengan musim kemarin jika persis solo tidak jadi terdegradasi.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hear Me Now-secondhand_serenade lyrics

Lyrics to Hear Me Now :
I left you to cry
I left when you were weak
I had no words to softly speak
I left you with a pain and undefined
I was not myself
Believe inside that I had no more life in me its true
And all my soul I gave to you
Im empty man who lost his way
And i will search to find those words for you

And you drive me crazy, you make me mad
I forget the good times that we had
But you are irreplaceable to me
And Ill tell you things you never knew
Ill turn your skies from grey to blue
But you are irreplaceable to me

When you call Im here but we always fight
You say that I am never right
I say those hurtful things to you
But the pain you feel, I feel it to
You drop to your knees and start to cry
But I will take the blame this time

And you drive me crazy, you make me mad
I forget the good times that we had
But you are irreplaceable to me
And Ill tell you things you never knew
Ill turn your skies from grey to blue
But you are irreplaceable to me

And I hope you realize what you have
Cause I tried to give you all I had
But its over now, its over now
And i wish that you were in my arms
Its a feeling Ive felt from the start
But its over now, its over now, its over now

Drive me crazy, make me mad
Forget the good times
But you are irreplaceable to me
And Ill tell you things you never knew
Ill turn your skies from grey to blue
But you are irreplaceable to me
And you drive me crazy, you make me mad
I forget the good times that we had
But you are irreplaceable to me
And Ill tell you things you never knew
Ill turn your skies from grey to blue
But you are irreplaceable to me
You are irreplaceable to me
You are irreplaceable

Lyrics to Stay Close Don't Go-secondhandserenade

Lyrics to Stay Close Don't Go :
I'm staring at the glass in front of me,
is it half empty of our wins or have i ruined all you've given me?
I know I've been selfish,
I know I've been foolish,
but look through that
and you will see,
I'll do better, I know,
Baby, I can do better.

If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone,
don't tell me I will make it on my own,
don't leave me tonight,
this heart of stone will sing till it dies
if you leave me tonight.

Sometimes I stare at you while you are sleeping,
I listen to your breathing,
amazed how I somehow managed to
sweep you off your feet girl,
your perfect little feet girl
I took for granted what you do.
But I'll do better, I know
Baby, I can do better.

If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone,
don't tell me I will make it on my own,
don't leave me tonight,
this heart of stone will sing till it dies
if you leave me tonight.

And don't you know my heart is open, oh,
it's putting up the fight,
and I've got this feeling,
that everything's alright,
and don't you see,
I'm not the only one for you
but you're the only one for me.


If you leave me tonight I'll wake up alone,

(stay)If you leave me tonight,
(close) I'll wake up alone,
(don't)don't tell me I will
(go)make it on my own,
(stay)don't leave me tonight,
(close)this heart of stone
(don't) will sing till it dies
(go)if you leave me tonight.
Don't leave me tonight

Thursday, August 12, 2010


VIVAnews - Presiden Amerika Serikat (AS), Barack Obama, mengucapkan selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa bagi umat muslim di AS dan mancanegara, Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010. Sesuai tradisi, Obama juga berencana menggelar acara buka puasa bersama (Iftar) di kediamannya, Gedung Putih.

"Kita semua ingat bahwa dunia yang ingin kita bangun, dan perubahan yang ingin kita lakukan, harus dimulai dari lubuk hati kita dan dari komunitas kita sendiri," kata Obama dalam keterangan yang dirilis Gedung Putih seperti dikutip dari laman kantor kepresidenan AS tersebut.

Obama mengatakan, ritual Ramadan mengingatkan semua oarnag mengenai prinsip-prinsip yang dimiliki bersama dan peran Islam dalam memajukan keadilan, kemajuan, toleransi, dan martabat seluruh umat manusia.

"Di sini, di AS, Ramadan adalah pengingat bahwa Islam selalu menjadi bagian dari Amerika dan bahwa umat muslim Amerika selalu menjadi bagian dari Amerika dan bahwa muslim Amerika telah memberikan kontribusi luar biasa bagi negara kita," kata Obama.

"Dan hari ini, saya ingin menyampaikan selamat menyambut bulan Ramadan bagi 1,5 miliar umat muslim di seluruh dunia, keluarga dan teman sekalian. Semoga Tuhan beserta kita," kata Obama.

Ucapan yang sama juga dilontarkan Menteri Luar Negeri Hillary Clinton. "Ramadan adalah saat untuk refleksi diri dan berbagi. Umat muslim Amerika telah memberikan kontribusi bernilai bagi negara kita setiap hari dan jutaan orang akan menghormati bulan ini dengan melayani dan berderma bagi masyarakat," kata Clinton seperti dikutip dari laman Departemen Luar Negeri AS.

Clinton dan Obama dalam waktu dekat akan mengadakan Iftar atau buka puasa bersama. Clinton akan menjadi tuan rumah acara buka puasa bersama puluhan perwakilan diplomatik negara-negara asing. Sedangkan Obama akan menerima para tamu khusus dalam acara buka puasa bersama di Gedung Putih.
ada yang mau ikuut????

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

tour pasoepati saksi ketidak adilan pssi

awalnya untuk berangkat ke jati diri semarang menyaksikan pertandingan play of antara PERSIS SOLO vs persiku kami PASOEPATI berkumpul di kota barat karena manahan sesak pengunjung,,
kami berangkat sekitar pukul 11,,dengan pasukan sekitar 5000 lebih kami siap memerahkan jati diri,,,
sesampainya di tenggah perjalanan kami istirahat sejenak dan kemudian melanjutkan perjalanan kembali
dengan semangat akhirnya sampai juga di stadion jati diri sekitar jam 01.30
kemudian setelah istirahat dan makan siang kami masuk stadion untuk mendukung tim kebanggaan kami PERSIS SOLO.
kedudukan berakhir 1-1 dan itu menekan PERSIS SOLO untuk degradasi
kami sangat kecewa dengan keputusan wasit disaat melangsungkan pertandingan, wasit sangatlah mendukung sebelah pihak, keputusanya sangat merugikan persis solo
pertandingan yang harusnya digelar hari sabtu pun harus diundur hari inggu dengan alasan yang tidak masuk akal,,, mungkin itu diputuskan untuk memulihkan stamina para pemain persiku!! kami PASOEPATI menjadi saksi ketidak adilan Pssi


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Secondhand Serenade - Is There Anybody Out There.mp3
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Secondhand Serenade - Stay Away.mp3
Secondhand Serenade - Nightmares.mp3
Secondhand Serenade - Stay Away.mp3
Secondhand Serenade - World Turns.mp3
Secondhand Serenade - World Turns.mp3
Secondhand Serenade - Hear Me Now.mp3
Secondhand Serenade - Hear Me Now.mp3
Secondhand Serenade - Something More.mp3

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Sunday, August 8, 2010

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persis ditahan imbang persiku 1-1
berita perjalanan ,foto ,video saya posting besok

Saturday, August 7, 2010

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Di negara ini kita makan dan berbahagia

Di tanah yang indah ini bersemilah cintamu yang abadi

Di negara busuk ini kita tersenyum pedih

Kita membicarakan kenyataan

Dalam dunia yang tak kumengerti

Kita membicarakan kepasrahan

Dalam spektrum yang hitam dan putih

Kita merasa benar-benar pintar

Memasyarakatkan kebodohan ini

Kita membicarakan kenyataaan dalam dunia fantasi

Aku tak butuh pengertianmu

Aku bukan bagian dari sejarah yang kau tulis

Kau bingkiskan untuk anak dan cucumu

Aku tak butuh penjelasanmu

Aku bukan bagian dari kebanggaan

Yang membuat kita tak berpenghasilan

Nasionalisme adalah tempat tinggal yang kita bela

Nasionalisme untuk negara ini adalah pertanyaan

Nasionalisme untuk negara ini menuju kehancuran

Nasionalisme menuntun bangsa kami menuju kehancuran

N a s i o n a l i s m e…

N a s i o n a l i s m e…

N a s i o n a l i s m e…

Untuk negara ini adalah pertanyaan

N a s i o n a l i s m e…

N a s i o n a l i s m e…

N a s i o n a l i s m e…

Menuntun bangsa kami menuju kehancuran

Koleksi Koil yang lain.
Mp3 Download & Lirik Lagu Koil – Kenyataan Dalam Dunia Fantasi
Gambar Artis Indonesia

Friday, August 6, 2010

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The band was formed in 1999 in Huntington Beach, California with original members M. Shadows, Zacky Vengeance, The Rev and Matt Wendt. M Shadows came up with the name as a reference to the story of Cain and Abel from The Bible, which can be found in Genesis 4:24, although they are not a religious band.[2] Upon its formation, each member of the band also took on a pseudonym which were already nicknames of theirs from high school.[3] Before release their debut album, the band recorded two demos in 1999 and 2000. Avenged Sevenfold's debut album, Sounding the Seventh Trumpet, was recorded when the band members were just eighteen years old and in high school. It was originally released on their first label, Good Life Recordings in 2001.[4] After lead guitarist Synyster Gates joined the band, at the end of 1999 when he was 18 at the introductory track "To End the Rapture" was re-recorded featuring a full band element. The album was subsequently re-released on Hopeless Records in 2002.

The band started to receive recognition, performing with bands such as Mushroomhead and Shadows Fall and playing on the Take Action Tour.[5][6] Having settled on their fourth bassist, Johnny Christ, they released Waking the Fallen on Hopeless Records in August 2003. The album featured a more refined and mature sound production in comparison to their previous album. The band received profiles in Billboard and The Boston Globe, and played in the Vans Warped Tour.[7][8] In 2004, Avenged Sevenfold toured again on the Vans Warped Tour and recorded a video for their song "Unholy Confessions" which went into rotation on MTV2's Headbanger's Ball.[9] Shortly after the release of Waking the Fallen, Avenged Sevenfold left Hopeless Records and were signed to Warner Bros. Records.
City of Evil (2005—2007)

City of Evil, the band's third album and major label debut, was released on June 7, 2005 and debuted at #30 on the Billboard 200 chart, selling over 30,000 copies in its first week of release.[10][11] It utilized a more classic metal sound than Avenged Sevenfold's previous albums, which had been grouped into the metalcore genre.[12][13] The album is also notable for the absence of screamed and growled vocals; M. Shadows worked with vocal coach Ron Anderson—whose clients have included Axl Rose and Chris Cornell—for months before the album's release to achieve a sound that had "grit while still having the tone".[12][14] The album received steller reviews from several magazines and websites and is credited for propelling the band into international popularity.

After playing Ozzfest in 2006, Avenged Sevenfold memorably beat out R&B Singers Rihanna and Chris Brown, Panic! at the Disco, Angels and Airwaves and James Blunt for the title of Best New Artist at the MTV Video Music Awards, thanks in part to their Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas-inspired song “Bat Country.” [15]

They returned to the Vans Warped Tour, this time headlining and then continued on their own "Cities of Evil Tour."[16] In addition, their lead single "Bat Country" reached #2 on Billboard's Mainstream Rock Charts, #6 on Billboard's Modern Rock Charts and the accompanying video made it to #1 on MTV's Total Request Live.[17] Propelled by this success, the album sold well and became Avenged Sevenfold's first gold record.[18] It was later certified platinum in August 2009.
Self-titled album (2007—2008)
Zacky Vengeance in 2007.

Avenged Sevenfold's mainstream success got them an invitation to 2006's Ozzfest tour on the main stage, alongside other well known hard rock and heavy metal acts DragonForce, Lacuna Coil, Hatebreed, Disturbed and System of a Down.[19] That same year they also completed a worldwide tour, including the US, The United Kingdom (as well as mainland Europe), Japan, Australia and New Zealand. After being on tour for sixteen months in promotion of City of Evil, the band announced that they were cancelling their Fall 2006 tour in favor of recording new music.[20] M. Shadows stated that their fourth studio album—which the band self-titled and self-produced—would not be a "City of Evil Part 2" or "Waking the Fallen Part 2," but would incorporate a new, grittier sound.[20][21] To tide the fans over in between albums, the band released their first DVD titled All Excess on July 17, 2007.[22] All Excess, which debuted as the #1 DVD in the USA, included live performances and backstage footage that spanned the band's eight year career. Two tribute albums, Strung Out on Avenged Sevenfold: Bat Wings and Broken Strings and Strung Out on Avenged Sevenfold: The String Tribute were also released in October 2007.

Avenged Sevenfold, the band's fourth album, was released on October 30, 2007, debuting at #4 on the Billboard 200 with over 90,000 copies sold.[23] Two singles, "Critical Acclaim" and "Almost Easy" were released prior to the album's debut. In December 2007, an animated video was made for "A Little Piece of Heaven." Due to the song's controversial subject matter, however, Warner Brothers only released it to registered MVI users over the internet. The third single, "Afterlife" and its video was released in January 2008. Their fourth single, "Dear God", was released on September 30, 2008. Although critical reception was generally mixed the self-titled album went on to sell over 500,000 copies and was awarded "Album of the Year" at the Kerrang! Awards.[24]
Live in the LBC & Diamonds in the Rough (2008—2009)

Avenged Sevenfold headlined the 2008 Taste of Chaos tour with Atreyu, Bullet for My Valentine, Blessthefall and Idiot Pilot.[25] They used the footage from their last show in Long Beach for Live in the LBC & Diamonds in the Rough, a two-disc B-sides CD and live DVD which was released on September 16, 2008. They also recorded numerous covers, including Pantera's "Walk", Iron Maiden's "Flash of the Blade" and Black Sabbath's "Paranoid".[25][26][27] They will also be releasing a Guitar Tutorial DVD, which include the five tracks, Afterlife, Almost Easy, Bat Country, Beast and the Harlot and Trashed And Scattered, breaking down the guitar solos and riffs in each song.[28]

During a sold-out festival performance in Leeds and Reading, the band were forced to shorten their Leeds performance and cancel their Reading performance due to a vocal strain sustained by M. Shadows.[29] A few days later, the band was forced to announce the cancellation of the remaining September shows, with the tour set to resume again on October 15.[30]
Nightmare (2009—present)

In January 2009, M. Shadows confirmed that the band is writing the follow-up to their self-titled fourth album within the upcoming months.[31] They also announced that they will be playing at Rock on the Range, from May 16–17, 2009.[32] On April 16, they performed a version of Guns N' Roses' "It's So Easy" onstage with Slash, at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles.[33] M. Shadows was featured on Slash's debut solo album Slash in the song "Nothing to Say".

M. Shadows and the rest of the band has expressed interest in making a follow-up to their self-titled record. They announced that they plan to start writing in June 2009 and recording in October 2009. M. Shadows also said in an interview with Loveline that the next record would be a more traditional heavy metal, more rock-oriented record, since the self-titled record was very experimental. He also said it would feature more progressive, longer songs and would be the "biggest Avenged Sevenfold record ever." Additionally, he said they were possibly thinking about a concept record.

On July 15, 2009, their website and MySpace profile were updated with a statement from M. Shadows implying that work on the next album has started, but they are still "throwing around ideas". The update was on the same day that Waking the Fallen went Gold.

In an interview, M. Shadows has revealed that after the band will complete their tour with a final performance at the Sonisphere Festival on August 2, they will get in the studio to write and record a new studio album, a follow-up to their self-titled album.[34]
Avenged Sevenfold in 2007.

On November 5, 2009, Zacky Vengeance posted a message on the official website stating that they had returned from their tour and immediately started focusing on forming a production team in order to start recording the album. "We will continue finalizing our songs until we feel every note does both you as well as us justice. We are also in the final stages of solidifying our production team, studios and engineers so that the second the axe falls and the album is written we will spend day and night in the studio until it is complete. This album will definitely take you on a very dark journey..."

On December 24, 2009 it was announced that Avenged Sevenfold had come in second place on Ultimate Guitar's Top Ten Bands of the Decade, losing the top spot to Metallica.[35]

The December 31, 2009 edition of Kerrang! magazine included an interview with M. Shadows, in which Shadows stated the following about the album; "It’s a dark record. The music is emotional. Our goal is to make every single part memorable, we want to evoke reactions live and at home. It’ll have big rock ballads, the big fun stuff, the piano, the choir, the orchestra and all the visual things you expect but with a different, moodier vibe. Lyrically, I’ve been inspired by everything from the ways kids are brought up nowadays, to schooling, the economy, religion, war and the behaviour of our government. It all plays into how kids are so emotionally detached from the real world right now."[36]

On April 17, 2010, a short message from Zacky Vengeance was posted on the official Avenged Sevenfold Twitter: "Tracking is complete. There are no words that will ever describe the feeling of listening to this album while driving home alone at 4 am."[37]

Avenged Sevenfold's brand new single, "Nightmare", was digitally released on May 18, 2010. The song comes off the band's fifth studio album, which is due out July 27, 2010.[38][39] A preview for the song was released on May 6, 2010 on Amazon.com, but was removed soon after for unknown reasons.[39][40]

On May 12, 2010, M. Shadows and Synyster Gates stopped by HardDrive (radio show) where they explained details on Nightmare prior to its release:[41]
“ [...] The new album, Nightmare, is dedicated to The Rev memory and although it's not exactly a concept album, it does center around The Rev. The eeriest thing about it is there is a song on the album called "Fiction" (a nickname The Rev gave himself) which started out with the title "Death". And the song was the last song The Rev wrote for the album, and when he handed it in, he said, that’s it, that’s the last song for this record. And then 3 days later, he died.[41] ”

Mixing for the album had been completed in New York City and was released worldwide on July 27.[42] It met with highly positive reviews.
The death of The Rev
Main article: The Rev

On December 28, 2009, drummer James "The Rev" Sullivan was found dead at his home at the age of 28.[43] Autopsy results were inconclusive[44], but on June 9, 2010, the cause of death was revealed to have been an "acute polydrug intoxication due to combined effects of Oxycodone, Oxymorphone, Diazepam/Nordiazepam and ethanol"[45]. In a statement by the band, they expressed their grief over the passing of The Rev and asked that his family's privacy to be respected:

It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that we tell you of the passing today of Jimmy “The Rev” Sullivan. Jimmy was not only one of the world's best drummers, but more importantly he was our best friend and brother. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Jimmy's family and we hope that you will respect their privacy during this difficult time.[46]

Shown on Avenged Sevenfold's official website was a message from Sullivan's family which expressed their gratitude to his fans for their support:

"We would like to thank all of Jimmy's fans for the heartfelt comments that have been posted – it is comforting to know that his genius and antics were appreciated and that he was loved so much. Our hearts are broken – he was much too young to fall. Óg agus saor go deo (forever young and free)"[47]

In addition to comments made about the death of Sullivan, the band's manager Larry Jacobson expressed how Sullivan was a kind figure to all. Jacobson stated within the interview that;

He was expressive. He'd tell you how he felt about you – you didn't wonder because he'd put his arm around you," he said. "He knew how to tell his friends he loved them." [48]

In addition to Jacobson, over 50 musical artists have commented upon the death of Sullivan.[49]

On January 5, 2010 a private funeral was held for The Rev. In attendance were friends of the band, such as the Lostprophets and Brian Haner Sr.. On January 6, 2010, the body of James Sullivan was laid to rest in the Good Shepherd Cemetery in Huntington Beach, California [50]

The January 13, 2010 edition of Kerrang! featured an article about the death of The Rev, in which fans and stars paid tribute to him.[51] Simultaneously, Zacky Vengeance expressed his own feelings about the passing, stating that "Jimmy will always be with me in everything I do. Except sitting at home being sad, so today Im going to try to start living again. foREVer." [52]

In a recent interview with M. Shadows about the death of the Rev, Shadows confirmed a July release for Avenged Sevenfold's fifth album.[36] "I have so much to say but can’t find the words so I will wait until time can allow me to find a way to express myself. As for the rest of us, it has become clear what we need to do. We had just finished writing a record with Jimmy. I can’t promise what the future holds because right now it’s too painful to think about, but we know we need to record and put out this record in honor of Jimmy, for Jimmy. He would call me every night to talk about songs and tell me 'this shit is gonna change the world.' I agreed with him, unfortunately I didn’t know it would be on these terms. Please be patient with us for we cannot imagine how hard this is gonna be to get through, we just know we have to do it for his legacy. After that, who knows?"[53]

In a recent interview conducted by the Huntington Beach Independent newspaper, Jimmy Sullivan's parents, Babara and Joseph revealed the following information about Avenged Sevenfold's new album: “Most important to him, Jimmy had just finished writing songs for Avenged Sevenfold’s new album — he even called one his ‘masterpiece.’ When he wrote songs, he would record tracks of his singing, playing the piano and drumming — then, when he played them for me, he would sing the orchestra or guitar parts that would be added later. I am thankful that I got to tell him how much I liked and admired his music. Later, Barbara commented that, "Jimmy wrote some really good songs. I was so proud of him, and I know that even though it will be very hard for them, the band will do a great job getting them recorded soon. Needless to say, these ‘all Jimmy’ recordings are almost impossible for me to listen to yet, but what a blessing to have them.” [54] They plan to dedicate their new album to The Rev.[54]

On February 17, 2010, Avenged Sevenfold stated that they had entered the studio, along with Dream Theater drummer Mike Portnoy, to drum for the record, in place of the Rev. "I want our fans to know that with Jimmy in our hearts, our journey to record has officially began. Jimmy helped leave this world an amazing gift and now it's our job to make sure to deliver that gift to our fans. We asked Jimmy's all time favorite drummer Mike Portnoy to record on behalf of him. Mike said it would be an honor and without question that’s what Jim would have wanted. It's comforting to us that someone like Mike, who is undoubtedly revered as one of the best drummers in the world, held such respect and adoration for the Rev's abilities. Even though it will never be the same without our brother by our side, his essence lives in our hearts and through the music he helped create. He was a legend before any of the success or any of that bullshit and we are fucking excited to lay this down for our fans, and especially for Jimmy." [55]

The band is preparing for touring behind the new album. M. Shadows has said, "We're not sure what's going to happen after this touring cycle. Our goal right now is to just get kids to hear the record, because we want them to remember the Rev." Avenged Sevenfold's final album featuring Sullivan's writing, Nightmare, will be released July 27 on Warner Bros. (Dream Theater drummer Mike Portnoy played the drum parts Sullivan had written on the album and will tour with the band.)[56] Nightmare beat sales projections easily, debuting at number one on the Billboard 200 with sales of 163,000 units in its first week.[57]
Musical characteristics
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Avenged Sevenfold's material spans multiple genres and has evolved over the band's ten year career. Initially, the band's debut album Sounding the Seventh Trumpet consisted almost entirely of metalcore sound; however, there were several deviations to this genre, most notably in "Streets" which adopts a punk style and "Warmness on the Soul," which is a piano-oriented ballad.[58] On Waking the Fallen, the band displayed the contemporary metalcore style once more, but added more clean vocals as well as more mature and intricate musical elements. In the band's DVD All Excess, producer Andrew Mudrock explained this transition: "When I met the band after Sounding the Seventh Trumpet had come out before they had recorded Waking the Fallen, M. Shadows said to me 'This record is screaming. The record we want to make is going to be half-screaming half-singing. I don't want to scream anymore. And the record after that is going to be all singing.'"

On City of Evil, Avenged Sevenfold's third album, the band chose to abandon the metalcore genre, developing a more hard rock style. Avenged Sevenfold's self-titled album, again, consists of several deviations to less consistent genres and styles from the album's main hard rock and heavy metal songs, most notably in "Dear God", which adopts a country style and "A Little Piece of Heaven", which is circled within the influence of Broadway show tunes, using primarily brass instruments and stringed orchestra to take over most of the role of the lead and rhythm guitar. The band has changed considerably since their first album, in which during that time they have been characterized as a heavy band with a screamed and growled vocal style combined with clean vocals, chugging guitar riffs and breakdowns that one can expect from the metalcore genre. The band has also cited bands such as Bad Religion, Guns N' Roses, Iron Maiden, Pantera, Dream Theater, Metallica, NOFX, Alice in Chains, Black Flag, Corrosion of Conformity, The Misfits, Slayer, The Vandals, Rage Against the Machine, Korn, Deftones, and AFI as their artistic influences [2].
Band name and lyrical content

The band's name is a reference to the Book of Genesis in the Bible – specifically Genesis 4:24, where Cain is sentenced to life in exile for murdering his brother. God marked him so that none would kill him on account of his sin; the man who dared to kill Cain would suffer "vengeance seven times over" (KJV).[59][original research?] The abbreviation "A7X" for their band name was the idea of guitarist Zacky Vengeance. The title of Avenged Sevenfold's song "Chapter Four" refers to the fourth chapter of Genesis, in which the story of Cain and Abel takes place. The song's subject also appears to be this story. "Beast and the Harlot", yet another song derived from the Bible, comes from the Book of Revelation only it is written in the first person and refers to the punishment of Babylon the Great, world empire and seat of false religion.

Another biblical reference occurs in the song "The Wicked End". In this song, several times it is said "dust the apple off, savor each bite, and deep inside you know Adam was right." making reference to Eve eating the forbidden fruit. Although the band's title and members' stage names make references to religion, Shadows stated in an interview that they are not a religious band. "Anyone that reads the lyrics and really knew anything about us, they would know we're not promoting either," he said. "That's one thing about this band that I love is that we never really shove any kind of, like, political or religious beliefs on people. We just, the music's there to entertain and maybe thought-provoking on both sides, but we don't try to, like, really shove anything down anyone's throat. There's too many bands that do that nowadays, I think."[60] The band has a few songs that are somewhat political in nature like "Critical Acclaim", "Gunslinger" and "Blinded in Chains". The song "Betrayed" off of their album City of Evil was written about "Dimebag Darrell's death".
The Deathbat

The band sports a logo known as the "Deathbat". It was originally designed by an artistic high school friend of Avenged Sevenfold, Micah Montague, as seen on the band's first DVD, All Excess. The Deathbat has appeared on all of the band's album covers, many of which were done by Cameron Rackam, a close friend of the band. The Deathbat has developed from just being a skull with bat wings, to sometimes appear as a full "man size" skeleton with bat wings, as it can be seen at the cover of City of Evil. On Sounding the Seventh Trumpet, there are pictures of two people (in which appear to be Cain and Abel), another angel-like human and a semi-opaque Deathbat below it, several Deathbats appear on the back cover of the album as well. The Deathbat also appears on covers of number of singles such as "Bat Country", "Warmness on the Soul" and "Critical Acclaim".
Band members

The band members occasionally play instruments other than their primary instruments listed below.

Current members

* M. Shadows – lead vocals (1999–present)
* Zacky Vengeance – rhythm guitar, backing vocals (1999–present)
* Synyster Gates – lead guitar, backing vocals (2000–present)
* Johnny Christ – bass, backing vocals (2002–present)

Former members

* The Rev – drums, backing vocals (1999–2009)
* Matt Wendt – bass (1999–2000)
* Justin Sane – bass (2000–2001)
* Dameon Ash – bass (2001–2002)

Studio members
* Mike Portnoy – drums (2010)[61][62]
* Brian Haner, Sr. – guitar (2005–present)

Touring members

* Mike Portnoy – drums (2010)

COPYED from wikipedia

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

history of mocca band

Mocca Band

Mocca is an Indonesian music band formed in 1997 in Bandung, Indonesia. The band’s musical style is inspired by the retro sounds of the 70s, with influences of swing, bossa nova, pop and jazz.

The story began when two best friends: — Arina and Riko — got together in a college band. After a year of struggling with the boredom of performing other people’s music, they decided to write their own songs.

In 1997 they composed four songs, unfortunately, those songs weren’t well accepted by the other members of the band. After caught up in conflicts and tons of disagreements, the band decided to split up leaving Arina and Riko mystified with their deserted materials.

Their debut album “My Diary” cont**ns 13 songs written from a girl’s point of view and her diary entries. The album starts with a Once Upon A Time and is followed by a song telling of a first encounter with her Secret Admirer. Then after much hesitation in Twist Me Around, she decides to go steady with the boy in Me & My Boyfriend. In Telephone they break up, understanding that When the Moonlight Shines, they just weren’t meant for each other and thus, Rain Will Fall, Life Keeps On Turning.

From waltz and bossa nova to ‘70s disco and rock, each song (written in English) has a different beat determined by the girl’s mood. When playing live, MOCCA is supported by six additional players on keyboards, guitar, percussion, trumpet, trombone and sax.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Secondhand Serenade New 2010 Album – Hear Me Now

Secondhand Serenade New 2010 Album – Hear Me Now

July 16, 2010 | With: Sharing Among

Launching 3rd of August 2010.. The previous album by Secondhand Serenade was A Twist in My Story.. The song “Fall for You” went platinum and I personally love this emo song. Even John Vesely on his mySpace profile written it as EMO genre..

Secondhand Serenade A Twist in My Story (Launched 2008)
Secondhand Serenade A Twist in My Story (Launched 2008)

Secondhand Serenade - Hear Me Now (Releasing on the 3rd August 2010)
Secondhand Serenade – Hear Me Now (Releasing on the 3rd August 2010)

Do people still listen to emo music? I suppose they do must because Dashboard Confessional is still making music and Secondhand Serenade’s radio smash “Fall For You” went platinum. I personally can’t see why we need any more lines like “My eyes feel like they’re bleeding” and the vocals of John Vesely—the man behind Secondhand Serenade—just sound contrived and phony desperate to me. But whether or not I think we need more music from Vesely is beside the point because his third release, “Hear Me Now” is being released without my input.

“Hear Me Now” is characterized by mediocre emo-pop ballads and a heaping of the most stereotypical, tear-your-heart-out-in-the-middle-school-bathroom sound imaginable, but there are surprising moments that manage to transcend the tackiness. The first track “Distance” is a typical soaring emo ballad with lyrics that sound juvenile, uninspired, and recycled as Vesely sings “I swear I’m sorry/Please don’t hate me too.” The next track, “Something More” however, is a poignant prodding of life’s purpose—hardly a new subject matter, but everyone’s entitled to their chance to untangle it—accompanied by genre-blending R&B beats. The title track “Hear Me Now” is incredibly angst-ridden, but carries integrity and believability that other songs lack. The song also has changes in tempo and feel that add to the song’s interest.

If you can’t get enough of emo music, doubtless you’ll enjoy the most recent offering by the radio’s favorite emo act. For the rest of us who enjoy most of life and are happy to leave junior high behind, we’ll probably just skip over it.

Track listing

1. “Distance”
2. “Something More” – Drop an email to secondserenade@adriancjy.com to request
3. “Stay Away”
4. “You & I”
5. “Is Anybody Out There?”
6. “Reach For The Sky” – Drop an email to secondserenade@adriancjy.com to request
7. “Only Hope”
8. “So Long”
9. “World Turns”
10. “Nightmares”
11. “Hear Me Now”

Other tracks / B-sides

* “You Are A Drug” – Drop an email to secondserenade@adriancjy.com to request

Here’s something I did few years back with the album songs..

MAYBE it is A TWIST IN MY STORY that i had just FALLen FOR YOU. Without knowing you have been LIKE A KNIFE that hurt me unintentionally. I PRETEND-ed everything was fine but i think after all i SUPPOSED I’m making it worse. WHY is this happening.. I never received YOUR CALL or sms anymore.. Everyday just a “hi” and GOODBYE. You think that’s enough? That’s up to you.. Now, I’m like a STRANGER in your life and we are so far apart.. MAYBE you would just tell me I’m thinking too much.. that’s what i told myself too and that’s a total lie to myself though.. Please just for once.. Just for once STAY CLOSE, DON’T GO.. i don wanna lose this friend i cherished our friendship alot.. Is this THE LAST SONG EVER we are gonna sing together? I really hope not..

Just like 2 years back, the DISTANCE between YOU & I did not get closer after SO LONG that you were trying to STAY AWAY from me, things that happened was like a NIGHTMARES and the ONLY HOPE i have now is you do good, REACHING FOR THE SKY, going after your dream. YOU ARE still like A DRUG to me sometimes but the WORLD TURNS no matter what and I have to wake up. We live our own life now but I can feel SOMETHING MORE is within us. IS ANYBODY OUT THERE gonna be for us? We are yet to find out and i hope you HEAR ME NOW that no matter what you are or who you are, you are still the one I knew. I will be yours if none of anybody are for us out the


Monday, August 2, 2010

vidio klip The Rasmus- Open My Eyes

video klip The Rasmus- F-F-F-Falling

vidio klipThe Rasmus - First Day Of My Life

vidio klip the rasmus october and april

ingin 80jt per hari???

the rasmus october and april lyrics

She was like April sky
Sunrise in her eyes
Child of light, shining star
Fire in her heart
Brightest day, melting( snow)
Breaking through the chill
October and April

He was like frozen sky
In October night
Darkest cloud in the storm
(Raining) from his heart?
Coldest snow, deepest ...chill?
Tearing down his will?
October and April

Like hate and love
World's apart
This fatal love was like poison right from the start
Like light and Dark
World's apart
This fatal love was like poison right from the start

We were like loaded guns
Sacrificed our lives

We were like love and - undone?
Craving to entwine

Fatal torch
Final thrill
Love was bound to Kill
October and April


Hate and love
World's apart
Light and Dark
World's apart
This fatal love was like poison right from the start

October and April
October and April
October and April

avenged sevenfold nightmare lyrics


Now your nightmare comes to life.

Dragged you down below
Down to the devils show
To be his guest forever
Peace of mind is less than never

Hate to twist your mind
But God ain't on your side
An old acquaintance severed
Burn the world your last endeavor

Flesh is burning
You can smell it in the air
Cause men like you have such an easy soul to steal(steal)

So stand in line while they ink numbers in your head
Your now a slave until the end of time here

Nothing stops the madness turning, haunting, yearning pull the trigger

You should have known
The price of evil
And it hurts to know that you belong here
It's your fucking nightmare
While your nightmare comes to life

Can't wake up in sweat
Cause it ain't over yet
Still dancing with your demons
Victim of your own creation

Beyond the will to fight
Where all that's wrong is right
Where hate don't need a reason
Loathing self-assassination

You've been lied to
Just to rape you of your sight
And now they have the nerve to tell you how to feel (feel)

So sedated as they medicate your brain
And while you slowly go insane they tell ya
"Given with the best intentions, help you with your complications"

You should have known
The price of evil
And it hurts to know that you belong here
No one to call
Everybody to fear
Your tragic fate
Is looking so clear
It's your fucking nightmare


(Maniacal laughter)
Fight(Fight! ). not to fail(fail! )
Not to fall(fall! )
Or you'll end up like the others

Die(Die! ), die again(die! )
Drenched in sin(sin! )
With no respect for another

Down(Down! ), feel the fire(fire! )
Feel the hate(hate! )
Your pain is what we desire

Lost(Lost! ), hit the wall(wall! )
Watch you crawl(crawl! )
Such a replaceable liar

And I know your hear their voices
Calling from above
And I know they may seem real
These signals of love
But our life's made up of choices
Some without appeal
They took for granted your soul
And it's ours now to steal

As your nightmare comes to life

You should have known
The price of evil
And it hurts to know that you belong here
No one to call
Everybody to fear
Your tragic fate
Is looking so clear
It's your fucking nightmare

More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/a/avenged_sevenfold/#share

Friday, July 30, 2010

berbagi: free download avenged -nightmare album(2010)

download=> berbagi: free download avenged -nightmare album(2010)

free download avenged -nightmare album(2010)

download di link ini:

avenged sevenfold Buried Alive lyrics

4. Buried Alive

Take the time just to listen
When the voices screaming are much too loud
Take a look in the distance
Try and see it all
Chances are that you might find
That we share a common discomfort now
I feel I'm walking a fine line
Tell me only if it's real

Still I'm on my way
(On and on it goes)
Vacant hope to take

Hey I can't live in here for another day
Darkness has kept the light concealed
Grim as ever
Hold on to faith as I dig another grave
Meanwhile the mice endure the wheel
Real as ever
And it seems I've been buried alive

I walked the fields through the fire
Taking steps until I found solid ground
Followed dreams reaching higher
Couldn't survive the fall
Much has changed since the last time
And I feel a little less certain now
You know i jumped at the first sign
Tell me only if its real

Memories seems to fade
(On and on it goes)
Wash my view away

Hey I can't live in here for another day
Darkness has kept the light concealed
Grim as ever
Hold on to faith as I dig another grave
Meanwhile the mice endure the wheel
Real as ever
And I'm chained like a slave
Trapped in the dark
Slammed all the locks
Death calls my name and its seems I've been buried alive

Take you down now
Burn it all out
Throw you all around
Get your fucking
Whats it feel like?
Took the wrong route
Watch it fall apart
Now your knockin'
For you to pay the toll
A price for you alone
The only deal you'll find
I'll gladly take your soul
While it seems sick
Sober up quick
Psycho lunatic
Crushing you with
Shame to find out
When it's too late
But you're all the same
Trapped inside
Evil thoughts can hide
I'll help release the mind
I'll peel away the skin
Release the dark within

This is now your life
Strike you from the light
This is now your life
Die buried alive

This is now your life
(Whats it feel like?)
Strike you from the light
This is now your life
(Whats it feel like?)
Die buried alive
(I'll gladly take your soul)

This is now your life
Die buried alive

avenged sevenfold nightmare lyrics

. Nightmare

(Now your nightmare comes to life)

Dragged ya down below,
Down to the Devil's show,
To be his guest forever,
(Peace of mind is less than never)!

Hate to twist your mind,
But God ain't on your side,
An old acquaintance severed,
(Burn the world, your last endeavor)!

Flesh is burning, you can smell it in the air,
'cause men like you have such an easy soul to steal (steal).

So stand in line while they ink numbers in your head,
You're now a slave until the end of time here,
Nothing stops the madness turning,
Haunting, yearning, pull the trigger!

You should have known, the price of evil,
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
Oh, it's your fuckin' nightmare!
(While your nightmare comes to life)

Can't wake up and sweat,
'cause it ain't over yet,
Still dancing with your demons,
(Victim of your own creation)!

Beyond the will to fight,
Where all that's wrong is right,
Where hate don't need a reason,
(Loathing self-assassination)!

You've been lied to just to rape you of your site,
and now they have the nerve to tell you how to feel (feel).
So sedated as they medicate your brain and while you slowly go insane the tell ya:
"Given with the best intentions, help you with your complications!"

You should have known the price of evil,
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah.
No one to call,
Everybody to fear,
Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah.
Oh, it's your fuckin' nightmare, ha-ha-ha-ha!

Fight (fight),
Not to fail (fail),
Not to fall (fall),
Or you'll end up like the others.

Die (die),
Die again (die),
Drenched in sin (sin),
With no respect for another.

Down (Down),
Feel the fire (fire),
Feel the hate (hate),
Your pain is what we desire.

Lost (lost),
Hit the wall (wall),
Watch you crawl (crawl),
Such a replaceable liar.

And I know you hear their voices (calling from above),
And I know they may seem real (these signals of love),
But our life's made up of choices (some without appeal),
They took for granted your soul, and it's ours now to steal
(As your nightmare comes to life)!

You should have known the price of evil,
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah.
No one to call,
Everybody to fear,
Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah...
Oh, it's your fuckin' nightmare!

lirik lagu Bondan Prakoso - Tetap Semangat

Bondan Prakoso - Tetap Semangat Lyrics

satu bahasa jutaan makna cerita
satu kata perkata diawal langkah pertama
ini saatnya kita tentukan langkah baru
bergerak maju berwarna dan berdebu
aku disini dan engkau disana... oi!!
bersama coba langkahi semua bendera... oi!!
redam amarah... mari bersuara
bicara bahasa kita dengan banyak cinta... uuu!

yea... and it goes like this...

maju bergerak hadapi semuanya
membuka mata lebar "rude boy" haa... lupakan luka
karna untuk terus berada didalam garis
kau tau pasti... jadi orang harus optimis
please, tepislah egois, ku tak perlukan diss...
hanya langkah optimis... realistis?!
menggores tinta dengan sentuhan klasik
membakar jiwa... dengan teknik terbaik!! c'mon!!

woy... maju tak gentar, membela yang benar
tetap semangat!!
woy... pantang menyerah, terus melangkah
tetap semangat!!

eiyo kawan, lihat kedepan
tunjukan jalan bagi kita agar bertahan
teruskan... teruskan... errr... teruskan lagi
hingga semua bermakna murni dan abadi
bergeraklah ragaku dan lakukan sesuatu! ooi!
dunia ini begitu ramai dan tak tepat bila kau layu
brraah... braah... brahasilah
rrreeezzpect reerre... rrzzpect pantang menyerah

back to reff:

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Bondan Prakosa & Fade 2 Black Ya Sudahlah Lyrics

lirik lagu Bondan Prakosa & Fade 2 Black Ya Sudahlah :

Bondan Prakosa:
Ketika mimpimu yg begitu indah,
tak pernah terwujud..ya sudahlah
Saat kau berlari mengejar anganmu,
dan tak pernah sampai..ya sudahlah (hhmm)

Apapun yg terjadi, ku kan slalu ada untukmu
Janganlah kau bersedih..coz everything's gonna be OKAY

yo..Satu dari sekian kemungkinan
kau jatuh tanpa ada harapan
saat itu raga kupersembahkan
bersama jiwa, cita,cinta dan harapan

Kita sambung satu persatu sebab akibat
tapi tenanglah mata hati kita kan lihat
menuntun ke arah mata angin bahagia
kau dan aku tahu,jalan selalu ada

juga ku tahu lagi problema kan terus menerjang
bagai deras ombak yang menabrak karang
namun ku tahu..ku tahu kau mampu tuk tetap tenang
hadapi ini bersamaku hingga ajal datang

Bondan Prakoso:
Sempat kau berharap keramahan cinta,
tak pernah kau dapat..ya sudahlah
yeeah..dengar ku bernyanyi..lalalalalala
heyyeye yaya dedudedadedudedudidam..semua ini belum *****hir

back to *reff

Fade 2 Black:
satukan langkah..langkah yg beriring!
genggam hati, rangkul emosi!

Bondan Prakosa:
Genggamlah hatiku, satukan langkah kita

Fade 2 Black:
Sama rasa, tanpa pamrih
ini cinta..across da sea

Bondan Prakosa:
peluklah diriku..terbanglah bersamaku, melayang jauh.. (come fly with me, baby)

Fade 2 Black:
Ini aku dari ujung rambut menyusur jemari
sosok ini yg menerima kelemahan hati
yea..aku cinta kau..(ini cinta kita)
cukup satu waktu yes.(untuk satu cinta)

satu cinta ini akan tuntun jalanku
rapatkan jiwamu yo tenang disisiku
rebahkan rasamu..untuk yg ditunggu

back to *reff 3x